Portrait painting is the enduring art form by which I describe and celebrate the uniqueness of an individual. More than a photograph made to look like a painting, my portraits are the real thing. I think of my work as a celebration and affirmation of life. Each portrait is an adventure, exploring the unique character and personal strengths of my sitters. A love of people and a deep interest in the human experience is key to my work.


Senator. Jan Michael Long – Oil on Canvas 30 X 22 (1995)
Air Chief Malaysia Oil on Canvas 24 X30 (2005)
Dr. Mahathir Mohd- Oil on Canvas 40 X 30 (2004)
Governor Rick Perry – Oil on Canvas 34 X 26 (2016)
His Highness King of Sharjah- Oil on Canvas- 34 X 26 (2010)
Mr. Hamidullah- Oil on Canvas 40 X 30 (2012)
Mr. M.A. Jinnah – Oil on Canvas 28 X 22 (2022)
Mr. Meredith Long – Oil on Canvas 24 X 28 (2018)
Queen Elizbeth – Oil on Canvas 30 X 22 (2010)
Queen Elizbeth-II – Oil on Lenins 24 X 18 (2010)
Self Portrait Oil on Canvas 24 X 18 (2018)
Self-Portrait – Oil on Canvas 20 X 16 (2012)
Self Portrait Oil on Canvas 16 X 20 (2011)